Not every girl has the artistic talent to create drawings on the nails, and constant visits to the salon can not afford not everyone. Commercially available stickers for nails will help to easily solve this problem.
They are easy to apply, easy to remove, and the manicure remains neat and attractive. And the huge number of options is a great opportunity to implement the most original idea.
What are nail stickers
One of the most popular types of stickers, where the inner side is covered with glue and perfectly adheres to the base, and on the outer side there is a beautiful pattern. Before gluing, you should prepare the nail plate and mark a place to place the sticker. Then detach the element of decor from the base and apply the sticky side to the nail.
Do not try to test the stickiness of the inner part of the sticker with your finger, in this case it can lose its properties.
Self-adhesive with subsequent tearing (stencils)
They are glued to the plate only for a short time and serve to create a shape, for example to draw even lines for French. They adhere to a cleaned or already painted base. When creating a French manicure, the form is glued to the very edge of the plate, in other cases it is positioned as desired. Immediately after attaching the stencil, check the edges: they should fit tightly to the nail. After the applied layer dries, the sticker must be removed. If there are any irregularities, they will have to be corrected.
Transferable stickers (sliders).
They are also called water, because they are soaked in water before applying. Applied on the treated or coated with the basis (gel) nail. A set of blanks is cut into the necessary parts, then they are immersed in a cool liquid. Once the main part comes away from the film, gently tweezers it to the nail and wait for it to dry, for about 1 minute. Move on to the next toe.
Stickers that attach with glue
This type of decor includes rhinestones and other weighted decorations. They are attached to any platform. If the plate was coated with varnish beforehand, the decor can come off because of a low-quality base. Only special nail glue should be used for the design. Binding material is applied to the back of the element and then tightly applied to the nail. After a few minutes of waiting, you can start gluing the next finger.
When gluing heavy elements, it is not recommended to use superglue or materials designed for bonding iron, plastic and other construction work. Otherwise, you risk damaging the nail plate.
What are sliders, what they are
Transferable nail stickers, or sliders, are a thin film planted on a colored or white paper base. In translation from English, the word “slide” means to slide or to move off, hence it is easy to guess in what way the ready-made picture will be applied. To make the gluing process easier, the picture should be moved a little bit from the base with a wet hand.
You can find an overview of sliders and three interesting techniques for applying them to your nails in the video clip:
Sliders are classified according to their size and structure:
on the entire nail;
individual elements of the decor;
for a transparent base;
in the form of a dense pattern.
How to prepare your nails for the application of transferable stickers
Before attaching the transferable stickers, you need to make a manicure on all fingers, and then the treatment of the nail depends on the surface on which you will apply the image.
If a transferable sticker will be glued without a base, the nail plate must be smoothed with a special plane, then remove the dust and only then glue.
If the element of the decor will lie on the nail covered with lacquer or gel, you need to wait for the base to dry and remove all the dust with a brush.
If you decide to glue the transferable stickers on the shellac base, the applied layer must first dry under an ultraviolet lamp.
How to properly transfer the stickers: a step-by-step instruction
The first thing to do is to degrease the plate and treat it with antiseptic. Then apply varnish, gel or acrylic as a base. It is recommended to choose lighter shades of varnish to make the pattern on the sticker look brighter.
Dip your slider in water for 15 seconds and, using tweezers, carefully remove it, blot it with a paper towel and separate the adhesive layer from the substrate. Place the decorative part on the nail. It should be 1.5 mm away from the cuticle and lateral rollers for a better fixation.
Before applying the slider, you can moisten the nail with water to get rid of air bubbles under the sticker more easily.
The final step is to cover the nail with a finishing coat. If it is varnish, then two coats. When applying gel on top of the sticker, you should use a UV lamp to dry completely. And when using acrylic, the material is not smeared on the nail, but laid with lapping motions.

How to remove stickers from your nails
To remove the transferable decor from the nail plate with or without nail polish, an ordinary nail polish remover will do, but you will have to spend more effort than in the usual removal of the base. Therefore, a cotton pad soaked in the liquid, which will be used to wipe the plate, should be wetted in the solution more than once.

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Where to Buy
It is quite easy to buy sliders. They can be found in any cosmetic store, in the nail polish department, or in specialized salons selling nail design materials.
The most convenient way can be the purchase of stickers in the online store. In this case, the buyer has a huge choice of design options, it is easy for him to compare prices on different sites and there is no need to waste time on searching for the necessary pattern in stationary outlets.
How to make your own sliders
To make your own sliders, you will need a printer and special paper. Choose a block with decorative patterns, print it, cut it out and the sliders are ready to be pasted.
You can send a big canvas with a beautiful pattern to be printed at once and cut blanks out of it.
To create a rounded contour of the edge of the cuticle, you can use the back side of the tweezers: indent the length of the nail itself – and the shape is ready.
Self-made stickers can be made with the help of Excel program. To do this, it is enough to save and paste the pictures you like from the Internet into the grid of the program, and then print them on slide paper.
Stickers on the nails are very handy devices to create a spectacular design at home. They are very easy to use, and the result of such a manicure will please even the most discerning fashionistas.
What material is used for nail decals?
Nail decals are made of a thin, flexible and durable plastic film that is coated with a layer of nail polish.
The most common material used to make nail decals is vinyl. Vinyl is an inexpensive and durable material that can be easily cut into any shape or size.
How can I make my own nail decal template?
There are many different kinds of nail decals that can be used to decorate nails. One of the easiest methods of making your own nail decal is by using a vinyl cutter. A vinyl cutter is a cutting machine that uses a blade to cut through paper, plastics, and other materials. The machine has a computer system that allows you to design your own images and create custom shapes for your nails. You can then use the machine to cut out the shape and apply it to the surface of your nails with nail polish or water. Another method is by using a stencil technique with tape, paint, or markers on top of an image you want on your nails. This technique requires more time and effort than using a vinyl cutter but it will allow you to create a more precise image.Nail decals are made from plastic, vinyl, and gel-coated paper using a vinyl cutter or stenciling technique. There are many different types of nail designs that can be made with nail decals including glitter, chevrons, stripes and an infinity sign.