Acrylic nail peeling
If the client wears tips in combination with acrylic for a long time, they do not have the problem of peeling until their natural nail has grown to a certain length and the tips are no longer needed. Then the acrylic peels off the nail, and the built-up layer completely comes off. What happens?
The peeling of the acrylic layer at the ends of the nails occurs quite often and can be caused by a number of factors.
Factors of acrylic nail peeling
Peeling often occurs when the nails are used as a tool, such as when working in the kitchen or scraping stains off a table or instead of a screwdriver. As a result, micro particles get trapped in the gap between the natural nail and the acrylic layer. This problem will not occur with the use of artificial extensions, as the acrylic layer adheres well to them. The false ends do not detach from the acrylic.
Clients whose hands are in constant contact with water also encounter peeling of the acrylic coating on the ends of the nails. The natural nail swells as it absorbs water and then becomes thinner again as it dries. The alternating expansion and contraction of the natural nail tissues leads to the peeling of the acrylic layer.
Improper preparation of the nail plate can also cause premature peeling. A natural nail requires more thorough preparation in order for the acrylic to adhere well; this is also necessary for the application of artificial tips.
The cause of peeling can be residue of the tip and glue. As the nail grows back, the little pieces of the tip remain on the growing nail and are not attached to it in any way. The area of the edge of the natural nail where the tips are glued is the most vulnerable place. The glue loses its properties over time, and the tips remnants can rebound, and with it the acrylic coating.
Some clients’ growing nails begin to bend, rejecting the unbendable acrylic layer. Artificial overlays do not cause such problems because they are made to fit the shape of the nail.
Correction of acrylic nails
As the natural nail grows back, the border of the acrylic nail appears higher and higher on the surface of the nail plate. Several methods of acrylic nail correction are used to correct this imbalance.
Filling the edge of the nail with acrylic.
The best way to avoid peeling the coating is to apply acrylic to the edge of the natural nail. You can cover the edge of the nail by applying a small amount of acrylic and spreading it over the false ends. If the nail edge is properly treated, dirt will not get under the layer of acrylic, and deamination will not occur.
That said, acrylic nails should be “filled” every two or three weeks after the initial application, depending on how quickly the nails grow out. During the filling process, the shape of the nail must be redefined. This process is called rebalancing. Without re-balancing, the nail takes on an unnatural and uneven appearance, and the regrown areas become visible.
This method has one drawback. If your technique is imperfect, the acrylic layer may be too thick around the edge. As a result, the nails become heavy, and the client begins to involuntarily cling to objects with them. This further provokes the peeling that you were trying to avoid. When the nail edge is secured with too thin a layer of acrylic, dirt can always get under it, which also provokes deamination.
Use of glue.
You can use a small amount of glue to treat the nail edge and fill the cavities between the natural nail and the coating. Cover the bottom of the peeling nail with glue when it has fully grown back.
If you realize that the problem is caused by the remaining piece of the tip, apply a small amount of glue to the edge of the natural nail at the joint. This will fix the remaining piece and keep dirt from accumulating in that area.
Experiment with different types of glue to find the right one. The best results come with fiberglass resin. Carefully apply a drop to the bottom surface of the nail and spritz a little activator for better adhesion.
Use topcoat fixers.
A natural nail absorbs water well, which can cause peeling. Try to apply a layer of fixer along the edge and on the underside of the nail, and then the edge will not soak up moisture.
Nail filing.
If the acrylic nail is badly split or cracked, you can file it off, giving the end of the nail a V-shape, or polish the surface of the nail to remove the crack. If necessary, you can reshape the nail and apply additional acrylic material to the free edge of the nail. If any part of the natural nail turns out to be damaged, you should apply a primer to the area. Then form a new tip and mix it with the material previously applied to the nail.

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Techniques for acrylic nail correction procedure for grown-off nails
1. Remove all the old nail polish.
2. Smooth the boundary between the grown-out area and the acrylic nail with a medium-grained abrasive file.
3. Place the client’s hand in a tub filled with warm water and liquid soap, and using a nail brush, gently rinse the nails. The nails should not be soaked.
4. With a new wooden stick and cotton swab, gently pull back the cuticle.
5. Lightly sand the nail plate with a medium/fine grit buff to remove natural grease. Then clean the nails with a nail brush.
6. Apply an antiseptic to the nails.
7. Using a brush, apply the primer to the grown-out area of the nail, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Wear protective glasses and gloves when handling the primer.
8. Dip the tip of the brush first into the liquid acrylic compound and then into the powder acrylic so that a small plastic ball is formed at the end of the brush.
9. Place the ball on the grown portion of the nail, pressing it to the nail and shaping with the base of the brush until it merges with the previously shaped acrylic nail. Allow the area to dry, then reshape it with a polisher until it is smooth.
10. Polish the nails.

Acrylic removal
At the beginning, you should see off most of the thickness of the coating – this will reduce the duration of the whole procedure of removing the coating. Use a power saw or a coarse hand file for this purpose. While filing, be careful to cool the instrument in time and never saw down to the natural nail plate.
As a solvent, pure acetone works faster than diluted solutions.
Before immersing the client’s fingers in acetone, be sure to cover the skin around his nails with petroleum jelly or some protective lotion. The tub should be glass. You can use a special device for removal of artificial coatings, which have separate, acetone-resistant containers for each finger. Working with one finger, you can use a clear cup for powder or monomer. Add a few drops of cuticle oil to the acetone to condition the skin. Cover the client’s hand and the tub with a towel to prevent acetone fumes from spreading. In addition, the towel will prevent the client from removing their fingers from the tub before the process is finished (softened acrylic removed from the acetone begins to “grip” again).
Keep the client’s fingers in the acetone until the acrylic begins to literally fall off the nail plate. If this does not happen, it means that the softening time has not yet come.
The fastest way to remove is to use aluminum foil. To do this, lubricate your fingers with petroleum jelly, soak a ball of absorbent cotton in acetone, place it on the surface of the coating and wrap your finger with a square piece of foil. The foil is a great insulator, and it speeds up the process. This method makes the acrylic fall off the nail in as little as 20-25 minutes.
To speed up the process even more, you can dip the foil-wrapped fingers of the client in liquid paraffin. For best results, do it two or three times, and the layer of paraffin should be thick enough. After that, wrap the brush in polyethylene and put it in a mitten. The softening time of the acrylic will be reduced by a few more minutes due to the heating. You can immerse the entire brush in paraffin before wrapping it in polyethylene. A layer of paraffin is a good skin conditioner. After any of the above dissolving methods, acrylic coatings are easily removed from the nails.
Softened acrylic nail is gently slid off with a new wooden stick or metal pusher. Repeat the operation until all the acrylic comes off. Never peel off an acrylic nail with pliers, as this can damage the natural nail plate.
After removing the acrylic nails, wipe the nails and gently buff the nails with a fine abrasive buff to remove all acrylic residue.
Subsequently, treat the cuticles and surrounding skin with cuticle oil and hand lotion.
How do I keep my acrylic nails from coming off?
There are many ways to keep acrylic nails on.
The first way is to apply a top coat every day. This will strengthen the acrylic and make it easier to remove when the time comes. A top coat can also help with any chipping that may occur.
Another way is to use glue or a clear nail polish as a base coat. This will help the nails stay in place for longer periods of time and protect them from chipping or peeling off.
The last way is to use an adhesive bandage on each nail before applying the acrylics. This will keep your nails from bending or breaking, which can cause them to come off prematurely, and it’ll also prevent any dirt from getting under your nails from entering into your skin, which could lead to infections.
Why do my acrylic nails keep lifting?
Acrylic nails are more prone to lifting due to the lack of a natural nail bed.
The acrylic nails are typically applied on top of an artificial nail bed, which is made of a thin layer of acrylic that is coated with a clear gel. This is the reason why they keep lifting and peeling off.
Why do my acrylic nails come off so easily?
Acrylic nails are one of the most popular artificial nail types. They are usually applied over natural nails to give them a longer life. Acrylic nails come off easily because they do not have the same structure as natural nails.
The acrylic nail is made from a liquid which is then hardened with UV light or a chemical substance like an acid or alcohol. This liquid can be applied in a variety of colours and designs, but the process of applying it on your natural nails takes some time, which means that it will wear off over time.
The acrylic nail does not have the same structure as natural nails and therefore it comes off more easily than other artificial nail types such as gel or silk.